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October 8, 2012 / diannegray

The future’s so bright I have to wear shades

‘The Rose’ Galaxies – photo courtesy

I find it interesting that every generation since way-back-when may have thought, “We’ve done it all. We’ve reached the pinnacle of intelligence. This is it – we’re here!” – or words to that effect.

Maybe this happened when women discovered fire, or the wheel. Maybe this happened when the first automobile hit the road. Maybe this happened when the first plane took to the air or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.

Maybe we’re thinking this now…

I also find it interesting that the things we now know to be true will probably not be true in fifty years. We can use the ‘science book example’ for this.

If I read a science book that was written fifty years ago, I’d probably find several (or more) major misconceptions – but this is what we knew to be true fifty years ago. Go back another fifty and another fifty and pretty soon nothing you read about science will match what we know today.

When I was at school I didn’t learn about computers or the World Wide Web because it was so new and would never last. If I had said I thought a sheep could be cloned and named Dolly, or that the Hubble Telescope would show us the beginnings of the universe, or there may have been something called a Big Bang that got us all here, or a weather system in the Pacific could have an effect on the entire planet – I’m pretty sure I would have been labelled as a crackpot (or a science fiction writer).

My grandfather was born in 1888. There wasn’t even telegraph then; no one had taken to the skies; no cars, television or radio.

And back we go…

I’m excited at the prospect of what the future may bring. If I could get my hands on that science book from 2062 I wonder what I would find – or if I’d even be able to understand it?

Do you find this concept interesting? Is the future of science just heading into a new form of art? Have I bored you to death?


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  1. Theo Fenraven / Oct 8 2012 8:30 am

    Isn’t that funny. Lately, due to political shenanigans, I fear we’ll fallen in the opposite direction from that pinnacle of intelligence.

    I think there is still much to learn and I hope science will continue to pursue knowledge. It’s one of our saving graces: curiosity.


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 9:23 am

      So true, Theo. At times I feel as if we’re beginning to slide backwards in some areas – but I’m sure science will keep us on the up and up. Politics aside (don’t we wish we could do that permanently? Lol) we should really be hoping our lives will change for the better as we more forward 😀


  2. John / Oct 8 2012 8:30 am

    No, you certainly haven’t bored me to death silly! Very thought provoking and truthful I believe. This also for me brings religion into the picture as I hope to be with Him in 2062! That probably sounds odd or negative to some but whatever. In that sense, the future could never be brighter. Nice post!


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 9:27 am

      Well said, John. It’s a long way off and I’m sure there won’t be many of us in this forum left to see it! I’m wondering how they will think of us then – with our thoughts on the world, our brand of politics and our ideas that may be just ‘old hat’! 😀


  3. Sheila Morris / Oct 8 2012 8:41 am

    I’m fascinated by the new pictures from Mars because they look so earth-like. Mountains…gravel…rocks showing water flowing a gazillion years ago. I’ve seen images in the western states that look just like these pictures. What life was there? Where did it go? Why did it vanish? Our knowledge on earth is finite in an infinite universe. Our potential is limitless, but we are truly our own worst intellectual enemies. We place our emphasis on the wrong syllable.


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 9:37 am

      Oh, Sheila – you’ve just opened up thoughts that are very dear to my heart. I’m intensely interested in Mars and the fact that it may once have had an atmosphere like Earth. I don’t know what happened, but that atmosphere vanished, leaving a virtually ‘dead planet’. Was there life there? I’m no scientist, but I’m thinking ‘yes’. There are so many possibilities regarding what happened to Mars and where the life went (if it went anywhere at all).

      Only recently have scientists world-wide begun to admit that ‘we are not alone’ in this universe. Even Stephen Hawking is getting nervous, saying we shouldn’t be actively trying to contact whatever is out there, because we may be more than we bargained for!


      • Sheila Morris / Oct 8 2012 11:02 am

        When I step outside at night and look at the sky, I understand the term cosmos. I’m thinking “yes” on life not just on Mars but on more of the bright dots we can’t reach. We’re a speck to them, I believe, and this helps me keep my problems in perspective. Who knows what will happen when we have “Contact”…I wonder but I’m not afraid somehow.


  4. seakist / Oct 8 2012 8:42 am

    I think about this stuff all the time, especially what you said about wondering if we’d understand a book written from the future. But on the other hand, here we are in the 21st Century — where are the space cars we were promised? To me, some of the technology we have is so unnecessary. I dream of going back to a world without cell phones and texting. I’d much rather have the space cars 🙂


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 9:41 am

      Hahahaha – I want space cars too!!!

      Actually, looking at it now, I can’t understand some of the science books written this year 🙂 I have a look and think WTF does that mean? I need to find the Idiots Guide to Quantum Physics 😀


  5. jmmcdowell / Oct 8 2012 9:18 am

    I feel like we have taken some major steps backwards in the early days of the 21st century and the late ones of the 20th. I saw a show some years back about how influential “Star Trek” was for so many science and engineering types. The inventors of things like the cell phone and iPod were among them. And I thought, this is what you came up with? You couldn’t put your ideas and research into things that would improve the planet for all life forms? Instead of leading to the stars, all that optimism let to new shiny, expensive toys?


    • appletonavenue / Oct 8 2012 10:46 am

      I agree with Jmmcdowell. I’ve heard for most of my life, about all the wonderful discoveries made during the Space Age, and how we are now benefitting from all that recent knowledge. How lucky we are to have Iphones and Ipads and computers. How have these things really made our lives “better”?

      I don’t mean I don’t agree that we should be hopeful about the future, and Diane, you’re absolutely rght, how in 50 years it will be interesting to see what we “know.”

      Thanks for an intriguing post.


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 1:28 pm

      I like the idea of cell phones because I’ve been stuck a few times in situations where I’ve had to call for help (ie broken down on the side of the road, etc) so I really don’t mind them. But you’re right as far as shiny toys go – we are a race of people who like shiny toys 😀

      I think the problem lies with science ‘trying to make life easier’ for us, but it just ends up making life harder. In the old days we could leave work and come home to relax, but now we get emails at all hours of the day and night and unless we turn off our phones and computers, we may not get the rest we need. I also can’t believe in this day and age that people in the world are still starving…


  6. Job Conger / Oct 8 2012 9:23 am

    In the USofA, we had telegraphs during the American “War Between the States,” also known at “The Civil War.” In that war, of the early 1860s, it was most definitely NOT civil; it was brutality by the 10s of thousands, and telegraphs were used to communicate between major battle areas and officials in the nation’s capital. Before Lincoln was even elected president, he learned of his Republican party convention’s nomination of him from a telegram sent from Chicago to Springfield 200 miles away. That said, I DO enjoy your blog and am happy to be a dedicated “follower” while keeping a respectful distance so there are no worries about the bearded stranger with a cowboy hat. “)


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 1:27 pm

      I may or may not have put the telegraph thingy in to see if you were paying attention 😀

      So glad you enjoy my blog – I love dedicated followers who wear cowboy hats, it’s makes life just that little bit more interesting!


  7. Ruth Rainwater / Oct 8 2012 10:04 am

    I get excited with each new ‘discovery’ I hear about. And it’s fun to speculate about what our world will be like in another 50 years. How far will technology have taken us by then? Just in my lifetime, there have been so many changes and new technology – fantastic!


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 1:31 pm

      Yes Ruth, in my lifetime too (I’m really showing my age here) 😀

      The discoveries I love are the ones about space and new planets, it intrigues me!


  8. poetmcgonagall / Oct 8 2012 10:35 am

    There’s great potential for human intelligence and scientific understanding, but we’re standing on very shaky ground. Depletion of raw materials, overpopulation, lack of drinking water, pollution, resurgent fundamentalism from Christians and Muslims, they could scupper us all. Science is about rational choices and humans don’t make rational choices very often. Politicians make them hardly at all.

    The Enlightenment could turn out to be a blip.


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 1:48 pm

      I don’t want to get started on politicians or religion, but…
      …no, I’m not going there 😉

      I’d love to be able to give you the answer about depletion of raw materials, overpopulation, lack of drinking water and pollution, but alas I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future with these things (but if we keep going the way we are , it could be grim). I remember my mother saying she was worried about the same thing in the 60s and didn’t want to bring children in to a world that was on the brink of a third world war, overpopulation and starvation.

      But you’re right – there is great potential and let’s just hope we don’t fill into a big heap as is portrayed in the movie ‘Idiocracy’.


  9. Don't Quote Lily / Oct 8 2012 12:37 pm

    Very thought provoking! It’s amazing the things that can change in a matter of years. Although I agree with some previous bloggers about how we’ve taken steps backwards, but hopefully the future will bring better things. It’ll be interesting to see. 😉


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 1:54 pm

      Hey, Lily – it seems to be a common theme that people think we are facing a bleak future. I’m not sure if we’ve always thought like that (throughout history) but I was just commenting (above) that my mother thought the same way in the 60s.

      I’m really hoping the future will bring better days – not sure where I left my crystal ball though! 😀


  10. starproms / Oct 8 2012 12:57 pm

    I’m getting to the age where I’ve had enough new technology for one lifetime. I’ll leave all the new ideas to the next generation. Like your picture today.


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 1:55 pm

      Thank you! I love the picture too – it’s very artistic 😀


  11. jmgoyder / Oct 8 2012 1:29 pm

    I find this fascinating. The technologically advances alone are gobsmacking and some of the communication systems now in place still seem science fictionish to me.


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 2:01 pm

      Thanks, Julie. I’m still trying to get used to my phone! It does everything apart from the washing up.

      I’ve recently had the displeasure of having a lot to do with nuclear medicine (displeasure – because I was sick), but I was amazed what they can do and find out simply by scanning the body. This seems science fictionish to me as well, but it’s amazing! 😀


      • jmgoyder / Oct 8 2012 2:06 pm

        I don’t even have a mobile phone – well I do but it is really old and doesn’t work – so I really need to get with it! But yes the technology is incredible!


  12. EllaDee / Oct 8 2012 1:54 pm

    Thought provoking and enjoyable post. I’m hoping for less focus on technology, scientific, etc advances and more on spiritual. I imagine though by 2062 which if I’m still alive (jury’s out as to if that would be a good or bad thing) I will the living in a world in which many things will be different. There’s an interesting Wiki page


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 2:10 pm

      That’s amazing, Ella. I’m amazed at this prediction – “The UK is projected to have at least half a million people aged over 100”!!! That’s a lot of letters from the Queen 😉

      I live in hope that the world will be a lot more spiritual by 2060 and that technology never strips us of our ‘humanness’ 😀


  13. Rick Mallery / Oct 8 2012 3:01 pm

    You would not only understand it, you’d write an awesome sci-fi book based on it!


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 5:02 pm

      Hahahaha – thanks for the plug, Rick. You’re a darling 🙂


  14. bulldogsturf / Oct 8 2012 4:20 pm

    Science and technology is progressing so fast now that not even a book will cover the next 50 years… 50 months maybe… I recently got a new cell phone and 3 to 4 months later discovered there has been a newer model released making mine obsolete… that wasn’t too bad… when I bought my camera within 3 months the upgraded model was launched, but horror of horrors within a further 3 months the next model was out… I no longer visit the web site…can’t keep up…


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 5:05 pm

      So true! I was trying to print the other day and I asked my son to help and he told me my printer was outdated and the download to get it going again was no longer on the web. I think I’ve owned it for about two years (and in tech terms that means about 100 years!) 😀


      • bulldogsturf / Oct 8 2012 5:27 pm

        Yes and in any case it’s cheaper to buy a new printer than replace the ink…


      • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 7:27 pm

        So true! I bought a ‘disposable’ printer. Unbelievable!


  15. harulawordsthatserve / Oct 8 2012 5:04 pm

    Great post and I just loved the title – there’s so much negativity out there about the future so just reading the title made me smile with gratitude. I echo your confusion about our ability to create amazing new technologies and photograph Mars but we still haven’t worked out how to feed everyone. I still have a lot of hope for the future, mainly because I firmly believe me can turn things around at the drop of a hat when we genuinely engage with the issues as a family of compassionate human beings – we just have to choose to.


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 7:18 pm

      Beautifully stated, Harula! (and I’m so glad you got a smile from the title) 😀

      So true – we have the technology, now let’s put it good use and make this world a better place. Thank you so much for coming by and commenting 😀


  16. Lisaman / Oct 8 2012 5:11 pm

    Science theories are fascinating and theories untill proven true or false. Big bang theories are even more fascinating but not sure if they will ever find what caused the ripple….hahahaha…Technology doubles every couple of months…escalation to big for my brain!!! 😉


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 7:23 pm

      I’m still not convinced by the Big Bang theory (and hey, it is just a theory) 🙂 But I love theories and even I throw them out there into the mix sometimes!

      I don’t think any of our brains can keep up with changing technology. I’m just hoping that this all results in something good 😀


  17. justinwriter / Oct 8 2012 5:42 pm

    A thought agitating post, Dianne. In a good way. 🙂 When I’m old, I want to be put in stasis until they can cure whatever ails me or maybe even transplant my brain into a younger Dolly version of me. By then I hope society will have changed for the better. I’ve always felt as if I’m living in the wrong century anyway.


  18. jahnosecret / Oct 8 2012 6:49 pm

    I think that science is great until it trips on its own dogma. If science adopted moral and spiritual codes of truth seeking – as opposed to political and financial – think where it could lead us. Thanks for waking my brain cells, Dianne!


    • diannegray / Oct 8 2012 8:06 pm

      I love ‘trips on its own dogma’, Michael! Well stated 🙂

      I like waking brain cells, so glad you came over to read and comment 😀


  19. Pat / Oct 8 2012 7:28 pm

    Used to know a lovely elderly lady – she is probably no longer with us – who said that all her education was rubbished with the arrival of Rutherford. When she was a girl, the smallest thing was an atom. And then they split it….


  20. ramblingsfromamum / Oct 8 2012 7:58 pm

    You know how life has progressed when there is a power failure and you can’t Google your answer anymore 😦 (ah but then you have your smart phone for that) **hits head**. So many changes, so many more inventions. The only problem it clatters my small many pin numbers, so many many…everything. Life is easier but in contrast harder (especially for old ducks like moi). Great post Di. 🙂


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 9:40 am

      Passwords! The bane of my existence 😦 I don’t know how many times I’ve seen the words ‘Have you forgotten your password?’ on my screen! I find it hard to get my mind around the whole thing (and you’re not an old duck!) 😀


  21. moderndayruth / Oct 8 2012 8:00 pm

    Me too, i am so excited about the future! I wish i could peek into it! Great writing, congrats!


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 9:47 am

      Thank you so much – it’s great to share excitement 😀 😀


  22. maggiemyklebust / Oct 8 2012 8:09 pm

    This is a very interesting topic.
    I remember when I was in high school, I had a mass-media class where we learned that someday everyone would have a computer in their home. We would use these computers to shop and send letters and I thought… Yeah, right.
    We keep living, we keep learning…


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 9:51 am

      That’s so very interesting, Maggie. This is something (I’m sure) our antecedents would have thought to be absolutely impossible if we found it to be a stretch of the imagination ! 😀


  23. pommepal / Oct 8 2012 9:29 pm

    Very interesting post and yes I am always amazed by the brains of the people (scientist but not always) that come up with the ideas for a new “whatever”. Where do those way out ideas come from? What is going to be the next “can’t live without gizmo”


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 9:52 am

      I can’t wait to find out 😀


      • pommepal / Oct 9 2012 9:58 am

        But I wonder if I will still be here, or if I am, will I still be able to accept what ever the next big change is…


  24. Áine Warren / Oct 8 2012 9:34 pm

    One of the main things I tend to assume about science and our understanding of the world is that it might very well be completely bogus. Yes, some theories are perhaps better grounded than others, but it’s all relative. Maybe it’s as a result of growing up as the internet became bigger and more prevalent, but I find I have a very open mind about the future, and the idea that everything could be radically different in ten or twenty years’ time doesn’t particularly phase me!


    • diannegray / Oct 10 2012 8:34 pm

      I think everything we know at the moment is probably bogus 😉 We don’t even really understand ‘matter’ and what holds us together. This place we call the universe is completely unknown to us. Sometimes I feel like an ant on a cliff looking out across the ocean…


      • Áine Warren / Oct 11 2012 1:28 am

        Very true – and that’s a great analogy!


  25. KB / Oct 8 2012 10:49 pm

    Science has always been the part of art in which the greater minds who not only see things differently but use what they have learned from it. Others merely report the news. A Scientist makes what has always been there the news that is reported. KB


  26. Anna Scott Graham / Oct 9 2012 12:03 am

    I grew up with plenty of elderly relatives, and I often wonder what they would make of today’s technology. It would probably blow them away; heck, I’m sometimes left befuddled!

    But I have reached the point where I see not everything is the cat’s meow (the cranky old lady genes kicking in). Not that I want to give up my PC and internet, but just how plugged in do we need to be, or lambasted by commercials every place we go? Granted, I love my electric kettle and microwave, couldn’t live without my iPod. Well, I could, but I’d rather not. And these are just the items that touch my daily life; what about space travel and far-flung medical advances, etc etc.

    I know this isn’t too much on the science theme, I’m not that big on that aspect of things, but I do wonder what directions we are heading and what sort of world my descendants will inherit. (All the Doctor Who I watch is to blame.) And that one day our books will be floating in some form of cyberspace; how will art translate then?

    BTW… Your last query made me laugh out loud! Bless your heart… 🙂


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 9:59 am

      Hahaha! Thanks, Anna – I really didn’t want this post to bore anyone to death 😀

      I don’t think I could live without all my mod-cons now and I really don’t know what is going to happen with books. Maybe those sitting on our bookshelves will become the ‘antiques’ of the future… (keep them safe)


  27. tchistorygal / Oct 9 2012 1:05 am

    You write about science in a historical way. I love this. No, it isn’t boring at all. It is what you are thinking, and that is real and engaging. Look at the host of comments and reminiscing that it has stirred. I want to invite you to an appreciation circle. This isn’t an award, but an appreciation of what you are doing. You can read about it on my blog. 🙂


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 10:00 am

      Thank you so much – I’ve ducked across and had a look. You’re wonderful 😀


      • tchistorygal / Oct 9 2012 5:48 pm

        Thanks for the compliment!


  28. mcwoman / Oct 9 2012 2:39 am

    Your post is so true! Boring–Never! Thought provoking, always.


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 10:01 am

      Thank you, Barbara! This is a wonderful compliment 😀


  29. 4amWriter / Oct 9 2012 2:49 am

    Sometimes I think science doesn’t do enough looking back while it’s looking forward, if that makes sense. I feel like often we don’t learn from our mistakes or our close calls or what-have-you, when we should be using past experience or lessons to help us shape our future for the better.

    Having said that, I am amazed at how rapidly we have evolved in the past 150 years or so. I’m sure my grandparents, who were born in the late 1800s, would have been flabbergasted by things like the cell phone and the Internet and the Wii.

    Great post as usualy, Dianne.


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 10:04 am

      You’re so right about looking back. We always say we learn from the past and we’re never going to make the same mistakes – but unfortunately we do (over and over again) 😦

      Thank you for the lovely compliment 😀


  30. Photos With Finesse / Oct 9 2012 4:07 am

    I find a lot of our advances – including those since my high school days 30 years ago – quite fascinating. What makes me laugh are things like the ‘new’ concept of recycling and ‘eating fresh’ – particularly in this generation who thinks it’s all ‘new’ and was their idea. A return to the days where you knew where your food came from, where you reused your glass milk bottles, where you used paper instead of plastic would not be a bad thing. Now I just wish there would be a return to common sense. That said, given the quote “common sense is not so common” has been attributed to Voltaire (1694-1778), apparently I’d be living very far in the past! I’m still waiting for our ‘paperless society’ that computers were bringing us. But on the other hand, being able to ask a quick question with a text message, or look up reviews on a restaurant at the drop of a hat is quite amazing. Having answers at our fingertips without having to hunt through a library of encyclopedias is really something. So here’s to progress! I’d like to see some of J.D. Robb’s fictional gadgets come to fruition – like the Autochef where you ask for a gourmet meal and it’s delivered in moments, and hover cars where you can leap over the idiots in traffic (after all I’m sure there would be no airborne idiots! 😉 )


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 10:07 am

      I’d love the ‘autochef’ too! Bring it on…

      We often talk about he ‘paperless society’ at work while we’re shoving masses of paper in the shredder!

      I often think of hover cars when I’m caught in traffic, but then think of the idiots who may fall out of the sky onto my head 😀


  31. agjorgenson / Oct 9 2012 4:14 am

    Dianne, what I like about this post is that it both reminds us that science can be a source of marvel, and yet at the same time it relativizes science. This learning can be applied to so many things. Thanks!


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 10:09 am

      I’m glad you think that way – thank you so much 😀


  32. ocdreader / Oct 9 2012 5:41 am

    Love that stuff! At least they no longer put you to death or jail for having a different opinion than the popular one! 🙂 I think they just label you a crackpot or something.


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 9:25 am

      Lol! I’d much rather be labelled the crackpot than burned at the stake 😉


      • ocdreader / Oct 10 2012 2:04 am

        Yea, I guess it is a little bit less permanent. Normally death isn’t the way to silence the dissent these days…unless of course, you are an astronomer and note that there is a new planet entering our solar system…you might need to watch your back.


      • diannegray / Oct 10 2012 8:21 pm

        Touche!!! Love it 😀


  33. Daphne Shadows / Oct 9 2012 10:21 am

    No, you have not bored me to death! Its true – and hilarious. And makes me wonder what we’re perceiving incorrectly right this very moment. I actually think about that a lot.


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 5:02 pm

      I’m so glad I’m not the only one 😉


      • Daphne Shadows / Oct 10 2012 8:01 am

        Nope. You’re not the only crazy. 😉


  34. donnajeanmcdunn / Oct 9 2012 1:46 pm

    Hi Dianne, great post. I love the picture of Mars even though it’s a little scary looking. The world has changed so much just since I was a kid and seems to be changing a little more each day. It’s a glorious time to be alive, but we have to be careful not to let it overwhelm us and I’m sure in another fifty years there will be those who are saying the same things all of us here have said.


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 5:04 pm

      That’s exactly the point I was trying to make – I’m so glad you picked it up 😀


  35. Janna G. Noelle / Oct 9 2012 4:06 pm

    I have heard that the next great age in science will be the quantum age, as brought about by physicists continuing to discover the sub-structure of the universe, or which the Higgs bosun that was discovered earlier this year is only the beginning. They are also currently studying things like dark energy and the question of whether the Big Bang was actually the beginning of our universe from scratch or the violent end of a previously-existing one – the stuff of sci-fi stories.

    I don’t think anyone really knows what practical changes will come from the quantum age, but Neil Turok, a prominent physicist, says that the universe is not digital by nature (despite our being in the digital age at present), it is quantum, and so arriving in the quantum age will represent a return to living the way nature intended that will be obvious to us all.


    • diannegray / Oct 9 2012 5:11 pm

      That’s very insightful and interesting, Janna. I’d never really thought about digital v quantum before. But when we look closer and closer we can see the quantum world perfectly reflects the state of the universe (most scientists would call me out on this – but I truly believe it).


  36. ly / Oct 9 2012 10:57 pm

    Women, indeed, invented fire and the wheel. I just found out something else about you that connects us by you using that one word. Love it when that happens!!
    Now, to the topic–I read anything I can find (that is written so that a layman can understand) about brain research. Tidbits that I pick up on in the news peak my interest and I go digging. Nothing that they knew 10 years ago has stood the test of time. Sadly though, much of what we are learning is coming from our wounded vets. Reading and writing our blogs is keeping our brains young!
    Also, have you noticed that one year salt, eggs, and coffee are good for you and then another study says they are not? I find this part of “science” maddening.


    • diannegray / Oct 10 2012 8:48 pm

      I’m so glad you noticed that (no one else commented on it!) 😀

      Interesting you talk about brain research. My nephew (who is a brain tumour survivor) started up Brain Tumour Alliance Australia. He’s also a medical student and anything I need to know about the brain I ask him because he’s up-to-date on all the cutting-edge science (in case you hadn’t noticed, this is one of my favourite subjects as well!)

      The food thingy is really annoying. One year you can eat potatoes, the next you can’t and then you can again – sheesh! I just eat what I like (except artificial sweetener). I think, ‘if you can grow it, or it’ natural – you can eat it!” 😀


  37. Karmic Diva / Oct 10 2012 12:57 am

    The more I learn the less I know. I love being front row to the amazing photos of the universe. It really is a beautiful thing.


    • diannegray / Oct 10 2012 8:22 pm

      I love being in the front row as well – it’s absolutely beautiful!:D


  38. foroneplease / Oct 10 2012 4:10 am

    I think that we’ve all been here before, and will be back again..some how I feel that life comes a full circle, (and that includes life anywhere in the universe) and it all happens all over again! 😛


    • diannegray / Oct 10 2012 4:26 pm

      Absolutely agree with you – I write about it (a lot!) 😀


      • foroneplease / Oct 10 2012 7:20 pm

        which is why I loved ‘The Everything theory’ 🙂


      • diannegray / Oct 10 2012 8:16 pm

        Aw – thank you so much 😀


  39. ripe red berries / Oct 10 2012 6:37 am

    great post! I agree, all we know, is what we know now – and sometimes that’s all we need to know.


  40. jannatwrites / Oct 10 2012 3:37 pm

    It’s funny, I think of this, too. Mostly in the vein of each generation thinking the next is ‘shocking’ and has gone south in a handbasket 🙂 Social norms have changed so much, things that would’ve been scandalous fifty years ago barely raise eyebrows today. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, but it is what it is.

    I still refuse to accept that Pluto isn’t a planet. My whole life, “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas” (the mnemonic for memorizing the planets.) Without Pluto, I’m left hanging on what mother just served 🙂


    • diannegray / Oct 10 2012 4:36 pm

      Oh no! Mother served nothing! Poor Pluto. I thought it was pretty sad when Pluto was knocked out of the planet club.

      I agree totally about social norms changing. I also think each generation thinks they are ‘smarter’ than the previous one. Teenagers are always think they’re smarter than their parents, even though their parents were teenagers once and though they were smarter than their parents, and so on…

      I’m so glad you think about things like this as well 😀


  41. arielpakizer / Oct 11 2012 5:32 am

    What we know and what is considered true is always changing, and I think it always will. This is why I really wish I had a time machine, I’d love to see what the world will do and what is has done.


    • diannegray / Oct 11 2012 6:42 am

      I’d love a time machine as well. Imagine all the changes you would see! I’ll be dreaming about this all day now 😉


      • arielpakizer / Oct 13 2012 9:39 am

        I would be so excited to see those changes, but terrified to ruin history. I could think about it all day, though.


  42. dedepuppets / Oct 12 2012 8:16 am

    Science future is all good, when we have a choice… When we can decide whether we want to partake or not. In the sixties smoking was considered healthy, and nuclear power touted the panacea for our energy woes.Now it is: Ha, ha got you, suckers!
    Personally, I am scared… I just hope in 20 years GE doesn’t proof to be another “trust the scientist’ folly! Unlike smoking we can’t go back on it.


    • diannegray / Oct 12 2012 2:49 pm

      So true about the nuclear and smoking (very good examples!) GE is an interesting one. I hate just sitting here and wondering where it’s all going to lead. I don’t want to open the newspaper in 20 years time and see, ‘oops, we may have got it wrong…’


      • dedepuppets / Oct 12 2012 6:01 pm

        Unlike smoking… Once the GEnie is out of the bottle. I would so love to see NZ GE-free. As a little island we would have such a good chance…


  43. Our Growing Paynes / Oct 13 2012 2:27 am

    Sometimes I wonder if we have hit the pinnacle. I think it is like the stock market, as a whole we move onwards and upwards but there are some definite valleys! 🙂


    • diannegray / Oct 13 2012 8:15 am

      So true, Virginia. I like the analogy of the stock market and the arrows of the world going up and down. I just hope they keep rising 😀


      • Our Growing Paynes / Oct 14 2012 12:12 am

        So do I! But sometimes I wonder….


  44. eof737 / Feb 1 2013 6:06 pm

    I believe we are yet to discover new worlds and so the future is bright. 😉


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